This is an invitation to infuse your essence into your brand & stand out online. when your brand expresses who you are at heart you can easily attract more soul-aligned clients.

Your unique, authentic brand

Are you ready to explore your authentic expression & natural energetic attraction in business through deeper understanding of your brand? 

Then sign up for this special one-time offer to have a Human Design/Genekeys Synthesis Brand reading and tap into the energies that are natually within you to gain the clarity and focus for your unique expression!

After you recieve your reading, you can start leveraging and experimenting with these insights about your brand and apply it to your business right away.

This brand reading will only be available for a limited time.

special offer


Limited time offer. Regularly $1,555.





Teresa McBratney is a successful entrepreneur & spiritual business mentor with over 25 years of experience helping 100’s of entrepreneurs scale their business to 7-figures being authentically themselves.

She is the creator of New DIVINE HUMAN, a conscious evolution brand for Soulpreneurs who are leading the creation of the new business paradigm. She helps clients tap into their unique energetic signature, uncover their innate gifts and live their higher purpose so they can show up more powerfully in their marketing, deepen their work, command higher prices and easily scale to seven figures and beyond. This all naturally flows from who they are. Clients have 2-5x their income, filled their offers with right-fit clients, connected with allies on the journey and amplified their impact in the world.

When she is not helping Soulpreneurs reach their next-level evolution in life and business you can find her sharing sweet times with her partner Howard, enjoying the majestic Rocky Mountains where she lives, and playing full out with life while contemplating its deeper mysteries.

the divine is continualy seeking worldly expression through you. your brand infused with your essence is that expression!